If you are experiencing DME symptoms or know you are at high risk for DME, it’s time to make an appointment with your eye doctor. Several tests can be used to screen for DME and assess any eye damage.

Dilated eye exam

During your exam, your eye doctor will dilate your pupils. A specialized lens will be used to examine the retina and optic nerve for signs of DME.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

A special light and camera can be used to photograph and measure the thickness of your retina. A thicker retina may indicate inflammation and fluid (swelling).

Fluorescein Angiogram (FA)

If DME is suspected, your eye doctor may use another imaging test where a dye is injected into your arm that travels to your retinal blood vessels, revealing leaks and potential damage.


Visual Acuity

acuity (VA):

This measurement assesses your overall visual accuracy. For example, normal vision is often referenced as 20/20 vision.


Intraocular Pressure

Intraocular Pressure (IOP):

This measurement assesses the pressure inside the eye. It is performed using either a non-contact “air puff test” or a tonometer that applies gentle pressure to the eye to measure the pressure in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). If unmanaged, elevated IOP may lead to vision loss, so it is important for your eye doctor to monitor this pressure.

CST Image


This measurement, taken during the OCT scan, assesses the thickness of the macula, the central part of the retina.


DME and ME
