dme&me suggests asking your doctor these questions on a first visit. Of course, you’ll have others. It’s helpful to write them down or print them out before your appointment so you don’t forget anything that’s important to you.

  • How does diabetes affect diabetic macular edema (DME)?
  • Are there specific symptoms I should be aware of?
  • How might my DME progress over time?
  • Are there steps I can take to help slow the progression of DME?
  • How does recurring DME affect my vision?
  • What are my options for treating DME and improving my vision?
  • I have had diabetes for __year(s). Will this affect the DME treatment types available to me?
  • What should I keep track of regarding my vision?
  • I want to learn more about DME. What resources are available to me?

You may want to take someone with you – a spouse, other family member or friend – who can jot down answers to questions and help with transportation.

Talk and Listen

Follow-Up Visit

For follow-up visits to your eye doctor or retina specialist, we have prepared a Follow-Up Visits Guide. This includes key questions such as:
  • What is my treatment plan?
  • What is the frequency of treatment I can expect?
  • Is treatment covered by insurance? Medicaid/Medicare?
  • What support is available for financial assistance?
  • When should I schedule my next follow-up visit?
  • Is there anything I can do to slow the progression of DME?

DME and ME
